This is the "not so short" getting started tutorial of RxTender. In this tutorial you will learn to use reactive streams to communicate between python and javascript code.
Let's consider the following situation: Your team develops a product that is composed of two services, using different programming languages (javascript and python). You use Reactive Streams in both components and you need to communicate between them. This is exactly where RxTender can help you: Generate reactive streams bindings between your services.
Your user story is the following one:
As an end user using a terminal console I use a command line application to count from 1 to 10. Since such a computation is very complex, this CLI application asks another service to do it.
You ended up with the following technical choices:
- The client application is developed in javascript/NodeJS.
- The server is developed in python.
- TCP is used as a transport protocol.
- JSON is used as a serialization protocol.
- JSON lines us used as a framing protocol.
Stream Definition
The first thing to do is to write the stream specifications. We want 3 arguments to create our counter: Its initial value, its end value, and its increase step. The stream specification is written in an IDL whose syntax is heavily inspired from rust. Save the following code to a file named "counter.rxt":
struct CounterItem {
value: i32;
struct CounterError {
message :string;
stream Counter(start: i32, end: i32, step: i32) -> Stream<CounterItem, CounterError>;
First there is the definition of the type of items that are emitted on the stream. They are named "CounterItem" and contain a single field named "value". The type of this field is a signed 32 bits integer (i32).
Then there is the definition of the error type associated to the stream. The COunterError struct contains a single string field named "message".
Finally there is the definition of the stream. It is named "Counter". It takes 3 creation arguments: start, end, and step. This stream will emit items of type CounterItem, and raise errors of type CounterError.
The python server
Now let's code the python server, based on asyncio. We first start from a sample asyncio TCP server:
import asyncio
class CounterServerProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
def connection_made(self, transport):
peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
print('Connection from {}'.format(peername))
def connection_lost(self, exc):
print('connection lost')
def data_received(self, data):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Each client connection will create a new protocol instance
coro = loop.create_server(CounterServerProtocol, '', 9999)
server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
print('Serving on {}'.format(server.sockets[0].getsockname()))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Each time a client connects to the server, a new CounterServerProtocol object is created and its "connection_made" method is called. The first thing to do is importing the definitions we will need:
import asyncio
+from rx import Observable
+from counter_rxt import frame, unframe, Router, CounterItem
Note that we use RxPy here, but we could use other reactive stream libraries. The we must provide a factory function to create the counter stream when a request is received from the network:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Each client connection will create a new protocol instance
"Router.set_Counter_factory" is a static method of the Router class. RxTender generates one of these methods per stream declared in the rxt file. We will write the create_counter_stream function later. We will now create a Router object each time a new connection is made:
def connection_made(self, transport):
peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
print('Connection from {}'.format(peername))
+ self.router = Router(FramedTransport(transport))
+ self.frame_context = ''
The router object contains the implementation that routes network messages to/from streams. It is also in charge of (de)serializing these messages. Its constructor takes a transport object as an argument. This transport object must implement a "write" method to write data on the network connection. Note that we did not use the "transport" argument directly: Since we use TCP (a stream based protocol), we need add framing on top of it so that we receive messages correctly. This is what is done by the FramedTransport class:
class FramedTransport(object):
def __init__(self, transport):
self.transport = transport
def write(self, data):
In the write method, each message is "framed" with the JSON-lines protocol before being sent. On the other way, all received packets are "unframed" before they are provided to the Router:
def data_received(self, data):
+ message = data.decode()
+ self.frame_context, packets = unframe(self.frame_context, message)
+ for packet in packets:
+ self.router.on_message(packet)
From that point we created a Router, it receives all messages from the network and can send messages. We finally need to implement create_counter_stream that will be called each time a new stream subscription request comes:
def delete_counter_subscription(stream):
stream = None
def create_counter_stream(start, end, step):
source = Observable.from_(range(start,end+1, step)).map(
lambda i: CounterItem(i))
return lambda n,c,e: subscribe_counter_stream(source, n, c, e), lambda: delete_counter_subscription(source)
def subscribe_counter_stream(stream, next, completed, error):
lambda i: next(i),
lambda e: error(e),
lambda: completed())
create_counter_stream takes 3 arguments as input: The ones that we specified in the rxt file. It returns 2 functions:
- A function to subscribe to this stream
- A function to delete this stream
The subscription function is called with 3 function arguments (next, error, completed). Each time the corresponding event occurs on the source stream, then these functions must be called to forward the event on the transport layer.
Here is the complete code of the server. Save it to a file named "":
import asyncio
from rx import Observable
from counter_rxt import frame, unframe, Router, CounterItem
class FramedTransport(object):
def __init__(self, transport):
self.transport = transport
def write(self, data):
class CounterServerProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
def connection_made(self, transport):
peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
print('Connection from {}'.format(peername))
self.router = Router(FramedTransport(transport))
self.frame_context = ''
def connection_lost(self, exc):
print('connection lost')
def data_received(self, data):
message = data.decode()
self.frame_context, packets = unframe(self.frame_context, message)
for packet in packets:
def delete_counter_subscription(stream):
stream = None
def create_counter_stream(start, end, step):
source = Observable.from_(range(start,end+1, step)).map(
lambda i: CounterItem(i))
return lambda n,c,e: subscribe_counter_stream(source, n, c, e), lambda: delete_counter_subscription(source)
def subscribe_counter_stream(stream, next, completed, error):
lambda i: next(i),
lambda e: error(e),
lambda: completed())
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Each client connection will create a new protocol instance
coro = loop.create_server(CounterServerProtocol, '', 9999)
server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
print('Serving on {}'.format(server.sockets[0].getsockname()))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
NodeJS client
For the nodejs client, we start with a TCP client, implemented as a function that returns a stream of stream:
import {Observable, Subject} from 'rxjs';
import {Socket} from 'net';
let connection = [];
function createConnection(id, host, port) {
const state$ = Observable.create(stateObserver => {
let dataObserver = null;
const data$ = Observable.create(observer => {
dataObserver = observer;
connection[id] = new Socket();
connection[id].connect(port, host, function() {
console.log('CONNECTED TO: ' + host + ':' + port);{
"linkId": id,
"stream": data$
connection[id].on('data', function(data) {;
connection[id].on('close', function() {
connection.splice(id, 1);
return state$;
This function returns a stream that emits a stream when the connection is established. This latter stream then emits items each time some data is received on the socket. This function is used from a factory function that takes another stream as input:
function tcpClient(sink$) {
sink$.subscribe( (i) => {
return {
"connect" : createConnection
Each item of the sink stream contains the data to write on the tcp socket. We will also use log function:
function consoleDriver(sink$) {
sink$.subscribe( (i) => {
console.log('console: ' + i);
Now we can implement our logic:
import { router } from './counter_rxt.js';
function main(sources) {
const linkRcv$ = sources.LINK.connect('counter', 'localhost', 9999);
const returnChannel$ = sources.ROUTER.linkData();
const console$ =
.map( i => {
return sources.ROUTER.Counter(i.linkId, 1,10,1)
.map( i => i.value);;
return {
ROUTER: linkRcv$,
LINK: returnChannel$,
CONSOLE: console$
The sources parameter contains objects returned by the tcp client factory, the console factory, and the router factory. This main function creates a Counter observable when the tcp connection is established, i.e. when an item is emitted on the stream. The result of the counter is returned in the CONSOLE field, and will be connected to the console output.
All streams are finally connected together:
const consoleProxy$ = new Subject();
const routerProxy$ = new Subject();
const linkProxy$ = new Subject();
const sources = {
CONSOLE: consoleDriver(consoleProxy$),
ROUTER: router(routerProxy$),
LINK: tcpClient(linkProxy$)
const sinks = main(sources);
Here is the complete code of the client. Save it to a file named "client.es6.js":
import {Observable, Subject} from 'rxjs';
import {
} from './counter_rxt.js';
import {Socket} from 'net';
let connection = [];
function createConnection(id, host, port) {
const state$ = Observable.create(stateObserver => {
let dataObserver = null;
const data$ = Observable.create(observer => {
dataObserver = observer;
connection[id] = new Socket();
connection[id].connect(port, host, function() {
console.log('CONNECTED TO: ' + host + ':' + port);{
"linkId": id,
"stream": data$
connection[id].on('data', function(data) {;
connection[id].on('close', function() {
connection.splice(id, 1);
return state$;
function tcpClient(sink$) {
sink$.subscribe( (i) => {
return {
"connect" : createConnection
function consoleDriver(sink$) {
sink$.subscribe( (i) => {
console.log('console: ' + i);
function main(sources) {
const linkRcv$ = sources.LINK.connect('counter', 'localhost', 9999);
const returnChannel$ = sources.ROUTER.linkData();
const console$ =
.map( i => {
return sources.ROUTER.Counter(i.linkId, 1,10,1)
.map( i => i.value);;
return {
ROUTER: linkRcv$,
LINK: returnChannel$,
CONSOLE: console$
const consoleProxy$ = new Subject();
const routerProxy$ = new Subject();
const linkProxy$ = new Subject();
const sources = {
CONSOLE: consoleDriver(consoleProxy$),
ROUTER: router(routerProxy$),
LINK: tcpClient(linkProxy$)
const sinks = main(sources);
Running it all
Now that all code is there, let's start both components. We will first Build the python bindings. First install the base backend on your system:
pip3 install rxt-backend-base
Then generate the proxy code corresponding to the Counter IDL:
rxtender \
--framing rxt_backend_base.python3.framing.newline \
--serialization rxt_backend_base.python3.serialization.json \
--stream \
--input counter.rxt --output
rxtender is invoked with 3 generation arguments (framing, serialization, and stream). Each parameter corresponds to an available code generator in the backend.
Then we build the javascript bindings. In order to ease generation and translation from es6 to es5 we use npm with babel:
Javascript NPM package.json:
"name": "counter-example",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "es2015/python3 rxtender counter example",
"license": "MIT",
"main": "client.js",
"scripts": {
"generate:counter": "rxtender --framing rxt_backend_base.es2015.framing.newline --serialization rxt_backend_base.es2015.serialization.json --stream --input counter.rxt --output counter_rxt.es6.js",
"build:counter": "npm run generate:counter && babel --presets es2015 counter_rxt.es6.js --out-file counter_rxt.js",
"build:client": "npm run build:counter && babel --presets es2015 client.es6.js --out-file client.js",
"build": "npm run build:client",
"start": "node client.js"
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"babel-cli": "^6.24.1",
"babel-core": "^6.25.0",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1",
"rxjs": "^5.4.3"
The stream argument provided to rxtender generates an es2015 rxjs router function. Since we use a TCP connection, and TCP is a stream protocol, we need some framing to encapsulate each item of the stream. Here we use new lines framing, as specified with the framing argument. With the serialization argument we asked rxtender to generate json serialization of all structs defined in the IDL. To generate the code, install npm dependencies and run rxtender:
npm install
npm run build
Now everything is ready, we can start the python server:
and run the javascript client:
npm start
You should get the following output:
> counter-example@0.2.0 start /Users/bipbip/Documents/devel/rxtender/test
> node client.js
creating observable
tick: 1
tick: 2
tick: 3
tick: 4
tick: 5
tick: 6
tick: 7
tick: 8
tick: 9
tick: 10
Yeah! With only few lines of codes you used reactive streams to communicate between two processes written in different programming languages. You can now add other streams in the rxt file. All these streams will be multiplexed in the same socket. Moreover, if you want to change the serialization or framing protocol, then you do not need to change anything in your code: Just select other ones when invoking rxtender.